import { aE as LinkDescriptor, aB as MetaDescriptor, aT as ServerDataFrom, aU as ClientDataFrom, aV as Func, aW as unstable_MiddlewareNextFunction, E as Equal, u as unstable_RouterContextProvider, aX as Pretty } from '../../route-data-H2S3hwhf.js'; import { M as MiddlewareEnabled, A as AppLoadContext } from '../../future-ldDp5FKH.js'; import 'react'; type IsDefined = Equal extends true ? false : true; type MaybePromise = T | Promise; type RouteModule = { meta?: Func; links?: Func; headers?: Func; loader?: Func; clientLoader?: Func; action?: Func; clientAction?: Func; HydrateFallback?: unknown; default?: unknown; ErrorBoundary?: unknown; [key: string]: unknown; }; type LinkDescriptors = LinkDescriptor[]; type RouteInfo = { parents: RouteInfo[]; module: RouteModule; id: unknown; file: string; path: string; params: unknown; loaderData: unknown; actionData: unknown; }; type MetaMatch = Pretty & { pathname: string; meta: MetaDescriptor[]; data: T["loaderData"]; handle?: unknown; error?: unknown; }>; type MetaMatches = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [MetaMatch, ...MetaMatches] : Array | undefined>; type CreateMetaArgs = { /** This is the current router `Location` object. This is useful for generating tags for routes at specific paths or query parameters. */ location: Location; /** {@link Dynamic route params} for the current route. */ params: T["params"]; /** The return value for this route's server loader function */ data: T["loaderData"]; /** Thrown errors that trigger error boundaries will be passed to the meta function. This is useful for generating metadata for error pages. */ error?: unknown; /** An array of the current {@link route matches}, including parent route matches. */ matches: MetaMatches<[...T["parents"], T]>; }; type MetaDescriptors = MetaDescriptor[]; type HeadersArgs = { loaderHeaders: Headers; parentHeaders: Headers; actionHeaders: Headers; errorHeaders: Headers | undefined; }; type IsHydrate = ClientLoader extends { hydrate: true; } ? true : ClientLoader extends { hydrate: false; } ? false : false; type CreateLoaderData = _CreateLoaderData, ClientDataFrom, IsHydrate, T extends { HydrateFallback: Func; } ? true : false>; type _CreateLoaderData = [ HasHydrateFallback, ClientLoaderHydrate ] extends [true, true] ? IsDefined extends true ? ClientLoaderData : undefined : [ IsDefined, IsDefined ] extends [true, true] ? ServerLoaderData | ClientLoaderData : IsDefined extends true ? ClientLoaderData : IsDefined extends true ? ServerLoaderData : undefined; type CreateActionData = _CreateActionData, ClientDataFrom>; type _CreateActionData = Awaited<[ IsDefined, IsDefined ] extends [true, true] ? ServerActionData | ClientActionData : IsDefined extends true ? ClientActionData : IsDefined extends true ? ServerActionData : undefined>; type ClientDataFunctionArgs = { /** * A {@link Fetch Request instance} which you can use to read the URL, the method, the "content-type" header, and the request body from the request. * * @note Because client data functions are called before a network request is made, the Request object does not include the headers which the browser automatically adds. React Router infers the "content-type" header from the enc-type of the form that performed the submission. **/ request: Request; /** * {@link Dynamic route params} for the current route. * @example * // app/routes.ts * route("teams/:teamId", "./team.tsx"), * * // app/team.tsx * export function clientLoader({ * params, * }: Route.ClientLoaderArgs) { * params.teamId; * // ^ string * } **/ params: T["params"]; /** * When `future.unstable_middleware` is not enabled, this is undefined. * * When `future.unstable_middleware` is enabled, this is an instance of * `unstable_RouterContextProvider` and can be used to access context values * from your route middlewares. You may pass in initial context values in your * `` prop */ context: unstable_RouterContextProvider; }; type ServerDataFunctionArgs = { /** A {@link Fetch Request instance} which you can use to read the url, method, headers (such as cookies), and request body from the request. */ request: Request; /** * {@link Dynamic route params} for the current route. * @example * // app/routes.ts * route("teams/:teamId", "./team.tsx"), * * // app/team.tsx * export function loader({ * params, * }: Route.LoaderArgs) { * params.teamId; * // ^ string * } **/ params: T["params"]; /** * Without `future.unstable_middleware` enabled, this is the context passed in * to your server adapter's `getLoadContext` function. It's a way to bridge the * gap between the adapter's request/response API with your React Router app. * It is only applicable if you are using a custom server adapter. * * With `future.unstable_middleware` enabled, this is an instance of * `unstable_RouterContextProvider` and can be used for type-safe access to * context value set in your route middlewares. If you are using a custom * server adapter, you may provide an initial set of context values from your * `getLoadContext` function. */ context: MiddlewareEnabled extends true ? unstable_RouterContextProvider : AppLoadContext; }; type CreateServerMiddlewareFunction = (args: ServerDataFunctionArgs, next: unstable_MiddlewareNextFunction) => MaybePromise; type CreateClientMiddlewareFunction = (args: ClientDataFunctionArgs, next: unstable_MiddlewareNextFunction) => MaybePromise; type CreateServerLoaderArgs = ServerDataFunctionArgs; type CreateClientLoaderArgs = ClientDataFunctionArgs & { /** This is an asynchronous function to get the data from the server loader for this route. On client-side navigations, this will make a {@link fetch} call to the React Router server loader. If you opt-into running your clientLoader on hydration, then this function will return the data that was already loaded on the server (via Promise.resolve). */ serverLoader: () => Promise>; }; type CreateServerActionArgs = ServerDataFunctionArgs; type CreateClientActionArgs = ClientDataFunctionArgs & { /** This is an asynchronous function that makes the {@link fetch} call to the React Router server action for this route. */ serverAction: () => Promise>; }; type CreateHydrateFallbackProps = { params: T["params"]; loaderData?: T["loaderData"]; actionData?: T["actionData"]; }; type Match = Pretty & { pathname: string; data: T["loaderData"]; handle: unknown; }>; type Matches = T extends [infer F extends RouteInfo, ...infer R extends RouteInfo[]] ? [Match, ...Matches] : Array | undefined>; type CreateComponentProps = { /** * {@link Dynamic route params} for the current route. * @example * // app/routes.ts * route("teams/:teamId", "./team.tsx"), * * // app/team.tsx * export default function Component({ * params, * }: Route.ComponentProps) { * params.teamId; * // ^ string * } **/ params: T["params"]; /** The data returned from the `loader` or `clientLoader` */ loaderData: T["loaderData"]; /** The data returned from the `action` or `clientAction` following an action submission. */ actionData?: T["actionData"]; /** An array of the current {@link route matches}, including parent route matches. */ matches: Matches<[...T["parents"], T]>; }; type CreateErrorBoundaryProps = { /** * {@link Dynamic route params} for the current route. * @example * // app/routes.ts * route("teams/:teamId", "./team.tsx"), * * // app/team.tsx * export function ErrorBoundary({ * params, * }: Route.ErrorBoundaryProps) { * params.teamId; * // ^ string * } **/ params: T["params"]; error: unknown; loaderData?: T["loaderData"]; actionData?: T["actionData"]; }; export type { CreateActionData, CreateClientActionArgs, CreateClientLoaderArgs, CreateClientMiddlewareFunction, CreateComponentProps, CreateErrorBoundaryProps, CreateHydrateFallbackProps, CreateLoaderData, CreateMetaArgs, CreateServerActionArgs, CreateServerLoaderArgs, CreateServerMiddlewareFunction, HeadersArgs, LinkDescriptors, MetaDescriptors };